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eMule 0.46c TK4 Mod 1.4c

Publicado: 25.12.05

- Added: IP Filter Update - Updates the IPFilter.dat from your chosen web source at the click of a button.
- Added: Slot Focus - Concentrates bandwidth on the slot(s) that can best use it.Shown as green text in uploading list.
- Fixed: IP Filtered servers showing as normal servers & dead servers showing as normal, mod code,(Fix for official code and mod code)
- Added: Failure In Atl Leading To Uncatched Exception fix. Fix by Kro
- Added: Remember Server Priority From Server.met, for static servers fix. Fix by leuk_he
- Added: Small speed optimizes in IPFilter.cpp for ParseFilterLine1() and AddFromFile().
- Added: Files never seen complete shown in red in downloads list, feature suggested by tunayx

- Binarios (directa/ed2k)
- Fuentes (directa/ed2k)