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eMule 0.47a Sion v0.5

Se recomienda hacer una instalación limpia para esta versión.

[ADD] -Drop Source System. NoNeedParts, FullQueue, HighQueueVal (With timing intervals)
[ADD] -SUQWTv2 system by Moonlight .
[ADD] -SourceSaver For files with >25 sources (Only save clients with part needed) From khaos
[ADD] -Panel Update/AutoUpdate for Leecher and Ipfilter Files [Loulach]
[ADD] -You can now Enable / Disable SLOTFOCUS in right click on Upload Windows [Viper]
When you disabled Slotfocus the datarate slot number according with official emule and cant be changed.
[ADD] -Side Banner Sion in preferences window [Loulach]
[ADD] -New SplashScreen Sion [Loulach]
[ADD] -Panel for Xtended Options of Scion Mod. [loulach]
[FIX] -Kademlia issue Pointed here:
[FIX] -My own bad code Issue with improved firewal ICF [loulach]
[CHANGE] -Icons in Toolbar

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