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eMule 0.47a Sion v1.0 Final

-FIXED] -Graphic bug when hiding Shared Kad/edk2 column in shared window
-[ADD] -Scroll for help/info part on all Advanced sion panel From neomule mod
-[REMOVED] -All Wizard first connection option. (i think all user have knowledge when using an emule mod based. Not ??.. :p)
-[ADDED] -Menus Option to clear Saved comments on Known Files shared list
-[CHANGED] -Improved datarate per slot to ~5kb/slot when SlotFocus Disabled
also changed min slot to 3
-[FIXED] -Some bad info on Clients details dialog
-[FIXED] -Bug in download in bold
-[FIXED] -Some bad tree options pannel
-[FIXED] -Release/share options not appear in filepreference windows.

- Binarios:
- Fuentes: